Final Instructions 2021
& Covid 19 Procedures
Updated Covid Policies (8/5/21)
Berkshire Running Camp Families,
Due to rising concerns of COVID19, our medical staff has now requested that every camper and staff conduct arrival testing to ensure that we have a safe and fun week at BRC2021.
The only change this presents from our current policy is that we are now asking vaccinated campers to purchase a BinaxNow at home antigen test and self administer that test prior to departure for camp. Vaccinated campers should complete the test on Monday 8/16 at home. They then must take a picture of the negative result (15min after testing) and bring the negative test in a ziploc bag. Campers must show proof of a negative test during check-in.
BinaxNow tests can be purchased at Walmart ($19.98) or CVS Pharmacies ($23.99).
Reminder that unvaccinated campers must still follow the testing protocol outlined in our COVID19 policy.
Reminder to upload or complete all your required forms asap. You can access your online account here.
Any questions please let me know. Thanks
Final Instructions 2021
Berkshire Running Camp Families,
The time is almost upon us for one of the most exciting, uplifting, and meaningful weeks of your lives. We at BRC have been working hard behind the scenes to create a program that is truly unique. We have workouts, classroom sessions, guest speakers, team building activities planned, and a terrific and experienced staff.
Before we embark on this journey, there are a few final instructions our staff wish to share with each family.
Arrival for unvaccinated campers starts at 12:30pm
Arrival for vaccinated campers starts at 1:30pm
All campers should be checked in by 2:30pm
WE ARE A NUT FREE CAMP (Please leave nut snacks at home)
*Sleeping bag or Sheets (cot size), Blankets and Pillows
*Personal Hygiene Items (Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, etc)
*Running gear (1 week worth, plus rain gear)
*Running Sneakers (2 pairs)
*Small backpack to carry items to offsite runs
*Clothing for Nighttime activities (it can get cold)
*Bathing Suits, Towels, Shower Shoes
*Personal Water Bottle (with your name on it)
*Some disposable masks in case needed
*Sunblock/bug spray
*Team outfits/unique uniforms for the Cabin Games Challenge
*Valuables should be left home (no there is no WiFi and cell service is not great)
*Any other items you may need to enjoy a week at Berkshire Running Camp
(There is NO laundry service onsite)
Unvaccinated campers can arrive starting at 12:30PM, to allow adequate time for arrival testing. Please do not arrive prior to 12:30pm.
Vaccinated campers check-in will begin at 1:30PM
CAMP ADDRESS- Camp Taconic is located at 770 New Windsor Rd. in Hinsdale MA.
It's the Westfield Exit (3) if coming from the Pike via Boston and yes, it is that far off the exit.
There will be staff directing you to the camp check-in.
Campers should arrive to camp in their running clothes.
When you arrive at Camp Taconic our staff will direct you and your parents to the check in area. There, you and your parents will check in with our registration staff. There will be multiple tables broken up by last name. The nurse and trainer will also be there to accept any medications or to answer any questions you may have. Your luggage will be stored by the staff in the dance hall beside check in if your cabin is not ready yet. No parents will be allowed to the cabins this year. Be sure to arrive at camp in running clothes. We will be running the first day.
As per our camp policy posted on our website, we will be arrival testing unvaccinated campers. All unvaccinated campers must follow the following testing procedure:
Obtain a negative PCR test within 72hrs of the start of camp
Purchase a BinaxNow at-home antigen test (2 pack)
Take one (1) of the tests at home 24hrs before camp (Sunday at noon)
Take picture of negative result with time/date included
Bring 2nd test with you to camp to be administered by medical staff upon arrival
The BinaxNow testing kit can be purchased at CVS or Walmart.
No athlete should be driving him or herself to Camp Taconic .There will be signs/staff upon entering the camp directing you as to where cars should drop off athletes. There is always traffic on the way to camp, please plan accordingly. If you are arriving via a bus or carpool, please make sure your paperwork is 100% complete. Each camper needs to have completed a camper release form stating who will be picking them up from camp.
We have worked with the chef at Camp Taconic and have planned a running friendly meal plan for the week. There will be plenty of gluten free, vegan, and nut free options available. If you have any food allergies or special dietary considerations that we don't yet know about, please let us know as soon as possible. There will be plenty of water available all week, please bring your own personal bottle with your name on it. Campers can also bring snacks, but please be aware they may be sharing a cabin with another camper that has a food allergy (NO NUTS- WE ARE A NUT FREE CAMPUS) and to have a container for snacks to keep varmints out of the cabins.
If you have not paid your balance, please contact me immediately. All balances are past due & must be paid asap.
If you haven’t already, you need to complete the online forms required for BRC2021. The forms are the Camper Release Form and the Medication Authorization form. These forms can only be completed online. You must also provide us with current physical (they are valid for 13 months) and immunization records. You can upload the physical to your account. Directions to access your account are below.
To access your account you must login to your Active account. Using the link below, you provide your email and password used when registering. If you get an error message please try a different web browser.
All medication must be clearly listed on the campers medication authorization form. Any prescription or over the counter medication brought to BRC must be in its original containers. Any camper that brings medication to camp must meet with the nurse during check-in. There will be absolutely no medication kept in the camper cabins. Campers/parents MUST take medication home with them at the end of camp.
Campers with inhalers or epi-pens must complete the medication authorization form to self administer. Campers should bring 2 epi-pens/inhalers with them.
All Campers will be placed in groups based on their ability, experience and level of conditioning. Our staff is trained to monitor the runners during the week and we will make any changes necessary to ensure a safe and productive week of training. If you have had any changes or injuries since registering for camp please let us know so we can place you in the appropriate training group.
All campers from the same team will be in the same cabin. The cabins are large and very nicely accommodated with bathrooms and showers. They are all staffed by multiple staff members. All areas of camp are Nut Free!
There will be a camp store and canteen available. We will be selling snacks and drinks during free time daily. There will also be BRC gear to purchase including Sweatshirts, Sweatpants, and TShirts. Items can be purchased with cash or via Venmo.
We have attached our very important camp rules. Please carefully read these, and let us know if you have any questions. Remember that these rules apply to all campers, and anyone in violation of them will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action or dismissal from camp. If you are dismissed from camp your parents are responsible for picking you up.
Please arrive at Camp Taconic to pick your child up beginning at 12:30 PM on SATURDAY. We will be sure our program is complete at that time, and our staff will stay until the last child is picked up. All campers must be checked out by camp staff. Please be respectful of our desire to return to our homes and families after a long, wonderful week together. Please arrive no later than 1:30pm There is always traffic, please plan accordingly.
This year all campers will be receiving a free gift from New Balance. They asked us to remind campers that they will not be able to accommodate all size requests. Camp staff will not be able to take returns or exchanges.
We have a registered Nurse and a Health and Safety Supervisor/ Camp Medic on staff this year. All medication must be handled and administered via the medical staff. (If you use an epi-pen or inhaler- reminder to bring 2 of them!) Medical Staff will be available during check in with any questions you may have. If your son or daughter becomes sick or ill and has to leave camp then a parent or guardian must pick them up. We cannot provide or arrange for transportation.
While we don't allow the use of cell phones during camp (except during free time)- our staff will be posting to our social media accounts daily!
Please follow us on Twitter @BerkshireRC and on Instagram @BerkshireRunningCamp - please check us out during the week for updates, pictures and videos!
Attached is a copy of our rules & regulations including our concussion policy.
Attached is a copy of our camp schedule (subject to change).
As always if you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me at any time!
Coach Rooney
Covid 19 Procedures
Berkshire Running Camp is committed to providing a safe, meaningful and fun week this summer of all of our campers. To do so we have committed to follow and/or exceed all of the requirements and advised best practices outlined in The Recreational Camps and Programs Health and Safety Standards for Reopening (May 29, 2021)
While vaccines are not required for campers to attend BRC, the advised best practices outlined in The Recreational Camps and Programs Health and Safety Standards for Reopening strongly encourages vaccines for campers. Our staff will all be fully vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated campers do not have to test or quarantine per the reopening guidelines.
If campers are unable to be fully vaccinated by the start of camp, they must adhere to the testing and quarantine requirements outlined below.
Proof of vaccine can be uploaded to your camper portal via ActiveCamps.
Fully Vaccinated: an individual is fully vaccinated 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. (updated 6/2/21)
Individuals who have tested positive within the last 90 days, have been cleared from isolation, and can provide lab results do not need to meet Arrival Testing requirements.
Our current approach is to require all unvaccinated campers to take a pre-arrival conventional PCR test within 72hrs prior to arrival at camp, as well as an at-home antigen test (BinaxNow) the day prior to arrival.
Upon arrival, we will administer a rapid COVID-19 test. These tests are the financial responsibility of the campers. This will give us the foundation we need for our camp bubble. We may also conduct additional testing as needed throughout the week. (updated 6/2/21)
Vaccinated campers do not have to follow the above testing protocol.
Camp Taconic has become an FDA certified CLIA-Waived Clinical Laboratory so that we can administer rapid tests on site as needed throughout the week.
As we prepare for BRC 2021, our medical team has advised us with the following pre-camp protocols. It is imperative that we all remain healthy and safe before arriving at BRC. In order to do so, we are asking our families of unvaccinated campers to be extremely cautious about contact outside the home during the two weeks before arrival. (updated 6/2/21)
Check In
Unvaccinated campers will be required to complete a “modified quarantine” until after they receive a negative result from the rapid test administered during check-in.
Staggered arrival to ensure that there is minimum overlap with campers and their families and so that unvaccinated individuals can complete “modified quarantine" pending test results.
Upon arriving at camp, unvaccinated campers will be required to show proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken within the previous 72hrs and a negative at-home antigen test taken the day prior. Inability to provide this will result in the camper being refused entry to camp.
(updated 5/29/21)
Masking and Social Distancing
Based on requirements and advised best practices outlined in The Recreational Camps and Programs Health and Safety Standards for Reopening campers will not have to wear masks if they are vaccinated or have completed the testing protocol.
Please Note: The camp reserves the right to ask a camper to leave in the event that they feel the camper is failing to cooperate with COVID protocols, or for any reason suspect that the camper poses a health risk to other campers or staffers. (updated 6/2/21)
Isolation and Quarantine
In the event that a camper/staff tests positive for COVID-19 or is identified as a close contact, they must isolate or quarantine until a parent or guardian can pick them up to return home. There will be no refunds for individuals who test positive or are identified as a close contact.
Vaccinated individuals who are exposed to COVID-19 do not need to quarantine.

Covid 19 Precautions
Cabin Cohorts
Per the advised best practices outlined in The Recreational Camps and Programs Health and Safety Standards for Reopening, BRC will be cohorting campers by cabin to insure that indoor and transportation cohorts are maintained during our week. Campers will not have to remain in cohorts during outdoor activities.
Berkshire Running Camp will have access to all of Camp Taconic’s “girls side” accommodations across their 100 acre campus. Camp Taconic has recently installed high powered exhaust fans at the front and back of every bunk to exchange air and will provide enough sleeping accommodation to allow sufficient spacing between beds and will meet all CDC guidelines.
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Camp Taconic has developed a plan in accordance with CDC Guidance for camp/program cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing practices and frequency. Extra precautions will be taken this summer to ensure every facility across camp is cleaned and sanitized thoroughly. We will have ample cleaning supplies, including electrostatic sprayers that can efficiently sanitize large surface areas in a matter of minutes. We will also ensure that all campers and staff incorporate healthy and hygienic routines into their programmed summer fun.
We have completely redesigned our dining experience to meet all CDC guidelines and to ensure that groups can eat safely for the full duration of their stay. Our Directors, Executive Chef and veteran kitchen team are already hard at work planning a delicious menu for our camp family.
Camp Taconic will provide 3 meals a day and facilitate all of the meal time logistics.
Meals will be served cafeteria style by our wait staff behind protective plexiglass, which will then be taken outside to enjoy socially distant indoors or at one of our new outdoor eating locations.
Camp Taconic has added additional outdoor eating locations to allow adequate social distancing for all of our guests.
Berkshire Running Camp will have its own exclusive eating location for the duration of its stay.
Camp Taconic staff members will be required to wear masks at all times, when retrieving food inside the dining hall.
Physical Site Updates
We’ve added hand sanitizing dispensers to every building at camp, including inside and outside of every bunk. We’ve added hand-washing stations outside the health center and dining hall. We’ve installed high powered exhaust fans at the front and back of every bunk to exchange air and we’ve added circulation fans in our communal buildings. We’ve also ordered a number of large tents so that we can conduct as many activities outside as possible. We will continue making updates and improvements to our physical site as needed before BRC 2021.
Off Campus Running Trips
Planned trips to surrounding areas and recreational facilities are permitted. While off-site, BRC must comply with applicable face covering requirements and will have procedures in place for isolating a camper/staff who develops symptoms and arrange for separate transportation to seek medical care from the off-site location. Campers will travel via bus with their cabin cohorts.